The Secret Ingredients to a Killer Portfolio Project! 🚀

3 min readSep 4, 2023


Creating an impressive portfolio is absolutely crucial for any aspiring developer, designer, or creative professional. 🌟 A well-crafted portfolio not only showcases your skills and expertise but also highlights your creativity and passion, making you stand out from the crowd.

However, to truly make an impact, you can’t settle for the ordinary and generic projects like social media clones, basic CRUD placeholders, or simple todo apps. Let’s spice things up! 🔥

So, what does it take to create a show-stopping project that will leave a lasting impression on potential employers or clients? Here are the secret ingredients:

1. Take it personally.

Inject a big dose of “you” into your project. Craft a concept that reflects your personality and passions. For example, if you’re a coffee lover ☕, why not go beyond a basic CRUD e-commerce and brew up a freshly ground coffee marketplace (coffee pound intended) — from design to copy, to content! A personal touch will make your project unique and unforgettable.

2. Tailor it to your aspirations.

Align your projects with your career goals. If you’re eyeing the fintech industry, explore blockchain and high-security levels. Backend enthusiast? Build an API with top-notch authorization and comprehensive documentation. Design and UI aficionado? Embrace SASS with its powerful mixins, functions, and variables. Tailoring your projects showcases your expertise and passion for your desired field.

3. In a world of white screens and no user feedback, be a self-dismissing alert! 😎

Implement loading screens, stacking alerts, lazy loading, and ensure full responsiveness. These little touches might require some extra effort, but they make a massive difference and set your project apart from the rest. Your app shouldn’t fail, but if it does, make sure it does so gracefully with custom feedback alerts that explain what happened. For a lazy loading guide in React, check out my article on lazy loading with React.

4. Think about your UI and colors

I know we can’t all be designers, but make sure to take the time to customize and curate your CSS based on the theme of the website. You wouldn’t steal a car, you wouldn’t steal a movie, and you wouldn’t theme a coffe marketplace in purple and green, would you? Here you can find a list of my favourite UI tools.

5. Curate the ReadMe file!

Don’t leave the default React / Angular read me file. Personalize it to your app, so that when you link the repository to a recruiter or a possible client, they will be able to understand what they’re looking at. Here’s a list of possible things to add to your read me file.


  • Quick presentation of your self
  • Description of your project
  • The stack you are using


  • Commands / Steps to run your app
  • Mockup screenshots from Figma, Adobe Xd, or Canva (check out this example for inspiration)


  • Frontend / Backend repositories
  • Documentation
  • Production environment
  • Kanban board, if you update it regularly.

6. Give your code the Mr. Clean treatment.

Your code should be squeaky clean! 🧹 Before you commit new features, take some time to clean out unnecessary console.log(), comment complex logic flows, remove unused imports and libraries, and ensure there are no warnings or errors. You never know who might be checking your code, so make it spotless!

With these ingredients in place, your portfolio projects will shine brightly and so will your carreer.

So, let your creativity soar, and build a portfolio that stands out in the vast sea of talent. Your future success awaits! 🌈🚀




Written by lidiacodes

Digital Humanities Expert in the making && Teaching Assistant @ EPICODE

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